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Sunflower Group

Active Ageing Day Service

Our Sunflower Group is held at Napier House on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The environment is bright, welcoming and spacious, with access to an enclosed garden area. The space consists of an activity area, a dining area and a comfortable lounge. There are 2 disabled toilets available for client use.


Our service promotes and enhances the health and wellbeing of older people (referred to as 'clients' within our organisation), and promotes independence, reduces social isolation and encourages community integration for people who are housebound. Quality assurance processes are in place, and the views of service users are sought, to ensure the best quality of service is achieved in line with the outcomes expected by Fife Council's Active Ageing Day Service Model.


A Care Plan is devised for individual clients, based on their initial assessment visit and input from family carers to ensure their needs and preferences are understood.  This Plan is developed and updated as required during a client's use of our service.


All of our sessions are run by staff and trained volunteers, all enhanced Disclosure Scotland PVG Scheme checked.  Each session provides:

  • transport to and from the centre

  • a 2 course lunch and refreshments

  • activities to provide mental stimulation as well as physical therapeutic activities, with the opportunity for clients to help in the choice and planning of social activities

  • signposting to other services and benefits advice

  • support with minimal personal care

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